As Plato Carpet and Textile Industry Import Export Trade Ltd. Co., we are committed to minimizing the environmental impacts that may arise from all of our activities and contributing to the protection of the environment in compliance with legal obligations. We direct our efforts towards this vision by constantly renewing ourselves and embracing the following principles:

❖ To keep track of the current version of all relevant legislation in effect and fulfill our responsibilities,
❖ To establish an environmental management system and fulfill all its requirements with utmost sensitivity during our operations,
❖ To organize Environmental Education programs to ensure that all our employees are environmentally conscious,
❖ To raise awareness among all companies we engage with regarding environmental issues during our activities,
❖ To consider energy efficiency and prevent waste of natural resources and minimize waste generation during our activities or in new investments by selecting technologies with energy-saving in mind,
❖ To ensure the recycling of generated waste, despite our efforts for waste minimization, by directing recyclable waste for recycling and disposing of non-recyclable waste through Licensed Disposal Facilities in an environmentally friendly manner,
❖ To minimize the use of natural resources and preserve and protect biodiversity as a result of our continuous improvement efforts,
❖ To continuously enhance our environmental performance and consider environmental impacts in our new investments,
❖ To collectively commit, along with all our employees, to continue our efforts and investments in fulfilling the requirements of this policy and our environmental responsibilities.